Our Past Services
2015 - PresentAdvent and Christmas Series
Sunday, December 29, 10:30 AM
A joint service with College St. U.C.
Christine Smaller
Sanctuary, CSUC, College & Bathurst -
Sunday, December 24, 7:00 PM
Christmas Eve: A joint service with College St. U.C.
Christine Smaller
Sanctuary, CSUC, College & Bathurst -
Sunday, December 22, 12:00 Noon
Christmas Brunch and Carol Singing
The Parlour, CSUC, College & Bathurst -
Sunday, December 15, 10:30 AM
Advent III: Carol Service
Bathurst St. U.C. Choir, Bev Lewis Music Director
TSP Chapel, 427 Bloor St. West -
Sunday, December 8, 12:00 Noon
Advent II: Embodiment and Ensoulment — the Holiness of our Embodiment and our Interdependence with the Earth
Jenny Nedelsky
Multi-purpose room, CSUC, College & Bathurst -
Sunday, December 1, 12:00 Noon
Advent I: Incarnation Theology and Communion
Christine Smaller
The Parlour, CSUC, College & Bathurst -
Sunday, November 24, 12:00 Noon
Meditation, worship and music in the style of the monastery of Taizé
The Parlour, CSUC, College & Bathurst -
Sunday, November 17, 12:00 Noon
Christian Peacemaking at Grassy Narrows
A reflection by Jane Enticknap on her visit with the Christian Peacemakers Team to Winnipeg, Kenora and Grassy Narrows
Multi-purpose room, CSUC, College & Bathurst
Sunday, December 30, 10:30 AM
Bathurst will be joining worship with College St. U.C. (no service in the TSP chapel)
College St. U.C., 454 College St. - Monday, December 24
Christmas Eve with Bloor St. U.C., 300 Bloor St. W. 10:00 PM – Candlelight communion 7:00 PM – All ages candlelight service -
Sunday, December 23, 10:00 AM
Christmas Breakfast:Christmas stories and carols -
Tuesday, December 18, 7:00 PM
Carols in a minor key
Bloor St. United Church, 300 Bloor St. W. -
Sunday, December 16
Advent 3: Christmas Choral Service -
Sunday, December 9
Advent 2: Waiting in Darkness, liturgy from the Iona Community
Congregational Meeting -
Sunday, December 2
Advent 1: Messy Church on the Angel Gabriel visiting Mary
Sunday, December 31, 10:30 AM
A joint service with Trinity-St. Paul’s and Bloor St. United Churches
Bloor St. U.C., 300 Bloor St. West -
Sunday, December 24, 10:00 PM
Christmas Breakfast - Sunday, December 24, 10:00 PM
Joint Christmas Eve Communion Service
Trinity St. Paul’s Sanctuary
Ralph Carl Wushke - Sunday, December 17
Bathurst Choral Concert
Bev Lewis -
Sunday, December 10
Still Waiting … Waiting Still
Ken McEvoy -
Sunday, December 3
Wake! Wait! Watch!
Ralph Carl Wushke -
Sunday, November 26
Waiting and Working for Transformation
Jenny Nedelsky
Sunday, January 3
Christmas in Cuba
Ralph Carl Wushke -
December 27
Christmas Breakfast -
December 20
Christmas Choral Service -
December 13
‘From a Small Place’, a reflection on Mary
Sarah Mikhaiel -
December 6
A Step Along the Way: The Youth on Bloor Trip to El Salvador
Shintaro Tsukamoto -
November 29
Reflection on the Stanley Tucci movie ‘Big Night’
I Thessalonians 5 : 1-11
Cam Watts

Advent is traditionally a time for waiting for Christmas celebrations for the children, for the celebration of the miracle of birth and of Jesus’s birth in particular, and for many Christians, a reminder of the waiting for Jesus’s coming again for the fulfillment of the hope and promise he brought. We gather to reflect on the kind of waiting those working for social justice must do.
The Lent series connected the gospel stories and teachings of Jesus with various Spiritual Practices such as prayer in the style of Taize, social justice activism as a spiritual practice, Lectio Divina and Messy Church.

Lent Series
Sunday, April 21, 10:30 AM
Christine Smaller
Trinity St. Paul’s, 427 Bloor St. W. -
Sunday, April 14, 10:30 AM
The In Between
Christine Smaller
TSP Chapel, 427 Bloor St. W. -
Sunday, April 7, 10:30 AM
Cleansing the Temple (“Messy Church”)
Lindsay Tyler
TSP Chapel, 427 Bloor St. W. -
Sunday, March 31, 10:30 AM
The Last Supper
Ken McEvoy
TSP Chapel, 427 Bloor St. W. -
Sunday, March 24, 10:30 AM
What does Lent have to do with anything, anyway?
Exploring how the ancient practice of Prayer, Fasting and Almsgiving might provide glimpses of hope and healing in our time and place.
Christine Smaller
TSP Chapel, 427 Bloor St. W. -
Sunday, March 17, 10:30 AM
Our Stories, Ourselves
Reg McQuaid, Pat Douglas, Shirley Endicott
TSP Chapel, 427 Bloor St. W. -
Sunday, March 10, 10:30 AM
Bathurst Annual General Meeting
TSP Chapel, 427 Bloor St. W.
Sunday, March 25, 10:30 AM
Decolonization in Prairie Perspective
Lynn Caldwell
TSP Chapel, 427 Bloor St. W. -
Sunday, March 18, 10:30 AM
Ralph Carl Wushke
TSP Chapel, 427 Bloor St. W. -
Sunday, March 11, 10:30 AM
Caro Ibrahim
TSP Chapel, 427 Bloor St. W. -
Sunday, March 4, 10:30 AM
Food Culture & Decolonization
Pruneah Michelle Kim
TSP Chapel, 427 Bloor St. W. -
Sunday, February 25, 10:30 AM
Annual General Meeting
TSP Chapel, 427 Bloor St. W. -
Sunday, February 18, 10:30 AM
Decolonization in action: Anti-racism and White Allyship Workshop
Tobias Wiggins, guest facilitator
TSP Chapel, 427 Bloor St. W. -
Sunday, February 11, 10:30 AM
Transforming Promise
The Rev. Dr. Néstor Medina
TSP Chapel, 427 Bloor St. W. -
Sunday, February 4, 10:30 AM
Decolonizing Preaching
The Rev. Dr. Sarah Travis
Trinity St. Paul’s, 427 Bloor St. W.
April 16, 10:00 AM
Easter Sunday Breakfast and Messy Church The Gym at Trinity St. Paul’s
Ralph Carl Wushke -
Saturday, April 15 Easter Vigil Ralph Carl Wushke Presiding
Bloor Street United Church
9:00 PM Silent Vigil
10:00 PM Service -
April 14, 10:30 AM Good Friday: Contemporary Reflections on the Passion
Joint Service at Trinity St. Paul’s United Church -
April 13, 6:00 PM Maundy Thursday Foot-washing Service
Joint Service at Bloor Street United Church -
Sunday, April 9, 10:30 AM Palm/Passion Sunday
Michael Carens – Nedelsky & Allison Smith
The chapel at Trinity St. Paul’s United Church -
Sunday, April 2, 10:30 AM The Chapel at Trinity St. Paul’s
Joy Cowan -
Sunday, March 26
UCC Remits
Ronald Macfarlane -
Sunday, March 19
Samaritan Woman
Ralph Carl Wushke -
Sunday, March 12
Ralph Carl Wushke -
Sunday, March 5
Healing Journeys in Indigenous Communities
Diane Longboat
Sunday, Mar 20 Palm Sunday
Latin America’s Gift: Theology of Liberation
Reg McQuaid -
Sunday, Mar 13 Lent V
Cuba: Church and Society II
Ralph Carl Wushke -
Sunday, Mar 6 Lent IV
Cuba: Church & Society I
Reinerio Arce -
Sunday, Feb 28 Lent III
Bathurst Annual General Meeting with a Latin Flavour -
Sunday, Feb 21 Lent II
Partnering in Latin America: United Church of Canada
Jim Hodgson -
Sunday, Feb 14 Lent I
The Mapuche People of Chile: Indigenous Struggle
Marie Elena Oliva
Sunday, April 5, 10:00 AM
Easter Sunday: Easter breakfast
Baptism and Communion in the gym -
Friday, April 3 Good Friday
Joint service at Trinity-St. Paul’s -
Thursday, April 2 , 6:00 PM Maundy Thursday
Bloor Street United Church -
March 29 Palm Sunday
Messy Church -
Sunday, March 22 Fifth Sunday in Lent
John 12:20-33 Whoever loves their life, loses it / Evangelical Sermon
Andrew Pak -
March 15 Fourth Sunday in Lent
John 2:13-21 Jesus clears the Temple / Social Justice and Activism as Spiritual Practice
Diane Meredith -
March 8 Third Sunday in Lent
Mark 8:31-38 “Take up your cross and follow me” / Prayer in the style of Taizé
Ralph Carl Wushke and Bev Lewis -
March 1 Second Sunday in Lent
Mark 1:9-15 Jesus in the Wilderness / Meditation and Contemplation Lectio Divina
Ralph Carl Wushke -
February 22 First Sunday in Lent
Annual General Meeting (Can we imagine a meeting as a “spiritual practice”?)
Ralph Carl Wushke
Epiphany Series
Sunday, February 23, 10:30 AM
A Confirmation Service
Christine Smaller
TSP Chapel, 427 Bloor St. W. -
Sunday, February 16, 10:30 AM
Aging and Spirituality: Part III
Kathryn Humphrey, Jenny Nedelsky, Ronny Yaron
TSP Chapel, 427 Bloor St. W. -
Sunday, February 9, 10:30 AM
Aging and Spirituality: Part II
Sharon Goodier, Kathryn Humphrey
TSP Chapel, 427 Bloor St. W. -
Sunday, February 2, 10:30 AM
Aging and Spirituality: Part I
Sharon Goodier, Judi McCallum, Ken McEvoy
TSP Chapel, 427 Bloor St. W. -
Sunday, January 26, 10:30 AM
The Holy Land Service
The Rev. Robert Assaly, Canadian Friends of Sabeel
Joint service with Trinity St. Paul’s
Sanctuary, Trinity St. Paul’s, 427 Bloor St. W. -
Sunday, January 19, 10:30 AM
Mark 2: Healing the Paralyzed Man
Frances Combs
TSP Chapel, 427 Bloor St. W. -
Sunday, January 12, 10:30 AM
Matthew 15: 21-28 – The Woman who Argued with Jesus
Frances Combs
TSP Chapel, 427 Bloor St. W. -
Sunday, January 7, 10:30 AM
Epiphany: The Fourth Magi
A pageant prepared by the Christian Education group at CSUC
Sanctuary, College St. United Church
Sunday, March 10, 10:30 AM
Bathurst Annual General Meeting
TSP Chapel, 427 Bloor St. W. -
Sunday, March 3, 10:30 AM
Jesus’ Teachings on Food and Drink
Frances Combs
TSP Chapel, 427 Bloor St. W. -
Sunday, February 24, 10:30 AM
Transforming Faith Through Art
Catherine Hernandez
TSP Chapel, 427 Bloor St. W. -
Sunday, February 17, 10:30 AM
The Parables of Jesus
Christine Smaller
TSP Chapel, 427 Bloor St. W. -
Sunday, February 10, 10:30 AM
Welcoming service for our new minister, Christine Smaller
TSP Chapel, 427 Bloor St. W. -
Sunday, February 3, 10:30 AM
The Power of Stories
Sharon Goodier
TSP Chapel, 427 Bloor St. W. -
Sunday, January 27, 10:30 AM
Joint Holy Land Service
Jews and Allies Supporting Palestinian Rights: Hopeful News
Diana Ralph of IJV
Trinity St. Paul’s, 427 Bloor St. W. -
Sunday, January 20, 10:30 AM
Bathurst 2020 / Congregational Meeting
TSP Chapel, 427 Bloor St. W. -
Sunday, January 13, 10:30 AM
Intimations of Mortality
Cathleen Fillmore
TSP Chapel, 427 Bloor St. W.
Sunday, January 28, 10:30 AM
Joint Holy Land Service
Trinity St. Paul’s, 427 Bloor St. W. -
Sunday, January 21, 10:30 AM
Frances Combs
TSP Chapel, 427 Bloor St. W. -
Sunday, January 14, 10:30 AM
Living Presence
Bri-anne Swan
TSP Chapel, 427 Bloor St. W. -
Sunday, January 7, 10:30 AM
An Epiphany Party
Kathryn Humphrey
TSP Chapel, 427 Bloor St. W.
Sunday, February 7
Ralph Carl Wushke -
Sunday, January 31
Joint service with Trinity-St. Paul’s
The Holy Land: Israel – Palestine
Robert Massoud -
Sunday, January 24
Frances Combs -
Sunday, January 17
Ralph Carl Wushke -
Sunday, January 10
Judi McCallum
February 15 Epiphany VI
Judgement and Righteousness Re-visited
Ralph Carl Wushke -
February 8 Epiphany V
Broken and Repaired: Two Ways to Read Psalm 147
Deborah McGinnis -
February 1 Epiphany IV
The Magic Sky: A Meditation On Seeing
David Barker -
January 25 The Holy Land
Joint service with Trinity-St. Paul’s United Church
Wendy Gichuru -
January 18 Epiphany II
Know Thyself: Psalm 139
Frances Combs -
January 11
Sharon Goodier
In our Epiphany series, we started with some of the stories of healing by Jesus and also had a series of services on Spirituality and Aging. In some of the services we experimented with ‘Church light’, in which we focused on liturgy in services without a presiding minister or sermon.

Our Easter series will seek to find resonance between these ancient witnesses and the contexts of our time. Every age is a crucible, a refiner’s fire for people of faith. The Book of Acts, the first letter of Peter and the Easter gospels attest to the tests and fortitude of the first generation of believers.

Easter Series
Sunday, June 2, 10:30 AM
Easter VII – Migrant Workers
Reg McQuaid
TSP Chapel, 427 Bloor St. W. -
Sunday, May 26, 10:30 AM
Easter VI
Service led by the CAMH team
TSP Chapel, 427 Bloor St. W. -
Sunday, May 19, 10:30 AM
Easter V
Memory of Her – A personal midrash on Mark 14:2-9
Shirley Endicott
TSP Chapel, 427 Bloor St. W. -
Sunday, May 12, 10:30 AM
Easter IV – Tabitha
Christine Smaller
TSP Chapel, 427 Bloor St. W. -
Sunday, May 5
Crieff Hills Retreat -
Sunday, April 28, 10:30 AM
Congregational Meeting
TSP Chapel, 427 Bloor St. W.
Sunday, May 13, 10:30 AM
Love one Another as I have Loved You
Jasper Miller
TSP Chapel, 427 Bloor St. W. -
Sunday, May 6
Bathurst Spring Retreat at Crieff Hills -
Sunday, April 29, 10:30 AM
Theopolitics of Gregory Baum
Sharon Goodier
TSP Chapel, 427 Bloor St. W. -
Sunday, April 22, 10:30 AM
The Good Shepherd: Contextual Bible Study
Ralph Carl Wushke
TSP Chapel, 427 Bloor St. W. -
Sunday, April 15, 10:30 AM
Worship in the Style of Taizé
Judi McCallum and Ken McEvoy
TSP Chapel, 427 Bloor St. W. -
Sunday, April 8, 10:30 AM
Jesus Appears to the Disciples and Thomas: A contemplative and intergenerational service
Lindsay Tyler
TSP Chapel, 427 Bloor St. W. -
Easter Sunday, April 1, 10:30 AM
Resurrection and Healing
Ralph Carl Wushke
TSP Chapel, 427 Bloor St. W.
- Sunday, May 28, 10:30 AM Cast all your anxieties on God, for God cares for you
The chapel at Trinity-St. Paul’s Centre
Ralph Carl Wushke - Sunday, May 21 John 14:15-21 – If you love me, keep my commandments
Caro Ibrahim - Sunday, May 14 Thomas and Phillip, faith will issue in works
Ralph Carl Wushke - Sunday, May 7 Retreat at Crieff Hills
- Sunday, April 30 Luke 24:13-35 – Their eyes were opened at the breaking of the bread
Ralph Carl Wushke - Sunday, April 23 “Doubting” Thomas; What is Faith?
Ralph Carl Wushke
Sunday, May 8
Easter VII: Spring Retreat at Crieff Hills
(no service in the TSP chapel) -
Sunday, May 1
Easter VI: The Communion on the Beach (John 21)
Ralph Carl Wushke -
Sunday, April 24
Easter V: Spirituality and Mental Health
Nazila Isgandarova, D.Min, RSW,
Spiritual Care Provider, CAMH -
Sunday, April 17
Easter IV: The Craddock Lecture
A joint service with Bloor St. United Church
Marie Wilson, TRC Commissioner
(no service in the TSP chapel) -
Sunday, April 10
Easter III: Doubting Thomas (John 20)
Sharon Goodier -
Sunday, April 3
Easter II: The Road to Emmaus (Luke 24)
Ralph Carl Wushke -
Sunday, March 27, 10:00 AM
Easter Sunday: Easter Breakfast
Ralph Carl Wushke
May 17
Easter VII: Seeking Home: Locally and Globally
Ian Van Haren -
May 10
Easter VI: Crieff Hills Retreat Weekend
Wholeness and Health: Inter-generational weekend -
May 3
Easter V: Solidarity in the Lindsay Detention Centre
Meredith McEvoy -
April 26 Easter IV
Let’s Keep Talking III: Finding Joy / Will there be a just peace in Israel/Palestine?
John 15: 9-17 “You are Friends”
Frances Combs -
April 19 Easter III
Let’s Keep Talking II: Beating the Drum of Justice
Acts 4: 5-12
Cathleen Fillmore -
April 12 Easter II
Let’s Keep Talking I: Be Not Afraid
John 20: 19-31
Ralph Carl Wushke and Cathleen Fillmore
Pentecost Series
Sunday, June 30, 10:30 AM
Pentecost III – Pride Sunday
Caro Ibrahim
TSP Chapel, 427 Bloor St. W. -
Sunday, June 23, 8:00 AM
Pentecost II
Solstice Service
Beach near Hubbard and McLean -
Sunday, June 16, 10:30 AM
Pentecost I
Congregational Meeting
Trinity St. Paul’s, 427 Bloor St. W. -
Sunday, June 9, 10:30 AM
The baptism of Joaquin Fernando Barrios Miller
Christine Smaller
TSP Chapel, 427 Bloor St. W.
Sunday, June 24, 10:30 AM
Pride Service:
The connection between Pride and the 30th anniversary of the decision to ordain gay and lesbian ministers
(This is Ralph Carl Wushke’s last service as minister at Bathurst United Church)
TSP Chapel, 427 Bloor St. W. -
Sunday, June 17, 8:00 AM
Solstice Service: The Call of the Spirit in Baptism
Balmy Beach (Hubbard and MacLean)
(no service in the chapel) -
Sunday, June 10, 10:30 AM
What are we called to do? Where is the spirit calling us now?
TSP Chapel, 427 Bloor St. W. -
Sunday, June 3, 10:30 AM
Being at Bathurst with Ralph Carl
Members of the congregation
TSP Chapel, 427 Bloor St. W. -
Sunday, May 27, 10:30 AM
My Ministry at Bathurst
Ralph Carl Wushke
TSP Chapel, 427 Bloor St. W. -
Sunday, May 20, 10:30 AM
Ralph Carl Wushke
TSP Chapel, 427 Bloor St. W.
Sunday, June 25, 10:30 AM
Pride Sunday: The Gates Shall Not Be Shut
Caro Ibrahim
The chapel at Trinity-St. Paul’s -
Sunday, June 18, 8:00 AM Our Summer Solstice Service
The beach at the foot of MacLean Ave (at Hubbard Blvd.)
Ralph Carl Wushke -
Sunday, June 11 Our Mental Health Mission
The CAMH Volunteer Team -
Sunday, June 4 Baptism of Henry James Griffin
Ralph Carl Wushke
Sunday, June 26
Pentecost VI: Pride Sunday – Festival of St. John the Baptist
Baptism of Margot
Ralph Carl Wushke -
Sunday, June 19, 8:00 AM
Pentecost V: The Summer Solstice Service
Memorial Service for the Victims in Orlando
The beach opposite 82 Hubbard Ave.
Ralph Carl Wushke
(no service in the TSP chapel) -
Sunday, June 12
Pentecost IV: Worship as at CAMH
The CAMH Worship Team -
Sunday, June 5 – Pentecost III
The Doctrine of Discovery
Peter Haresnape, CPT -
Sunday, May 29
Pentecost II: Empowerment – Speaking of Diversity
Aziza Miller, Howard Williams, Val Kalende -
Sunday, May 22
Pentecost I: Working with the SCM
Sarah Mikhaiel
General Secretary, SCM Canada -
Sunday, May 15
Pentecost: Project Hope
Hakim Sabbah, Director, Project Hope (Nablus)
June 28
Pentecost VI: Pride Sunday – Right Relations
Ralph Carl Wushke and team -
June 21
Pentecost V: Solstice Service (with baptism) – Right Relations with Earth
Location: Toronto’s eastern beach 8.00 am, followed by brunch. -
June 14
Pentecost IV: CAMH Worship / Right Relations
CAMH Team -
June 7
Pentecost III: Interfaith Right Relations
Susan Kennel Harrison, University of Toronto. -
May 31
Pentecost II: Honouring the Truth and Reconciliation Commission Closing
TSP Right Relations Working Group
Hon. Bob Rae
Joint service with Trinity-St. Paul’s and Bloor Street United Church
Locaton: Bloor St. Uinited Church -
May 24
Pentecost: Celebration of Pentecost
Ralph Carl Wushke and team

At Bathurst, Pentecost is the final series of Sunday services before our Wednesday evening events during July/August. Pentecost traditionally includes our Solstice and Pride Services. It gives us an opportunity to visit a number of issues that might not fit into a more traditionally-themed series.
This series examined the Exodus story for its meaning to us today. Many of the themes of the story are important to people in the Bathurst congregation: refugees, freedom, leadership, settlers, and colonization.

Fall Series
Sunday, October 27, 12:30 PM
Conflict Resolution
Cathy Stewart, from Creedence & Co.
Multi-purpose room, CSUC, College & Bathurst -
Sunday, October 20, , 10:30 PM
Worship / Congregational Meeting
TSP Chapel, 427 Bloor St. W. -
Sunday, October 13, 12:30 PM
Thanksgiving: Christian Worship in an Interfaith World
Christine Smaller
Multi-purpose room, CSUC, College & Bathurst -
Sunday, October 6, 12:30 PM
History of Communion at Bathurst United Church
Frances Combs
Multi-purpose room, CSUC, College & Bathurst -
Sunday, September 29, 12:30 PM
Deconstructing Liturgy–What do we do when we gather
Christine Smaller
Parlour, CSUC, College & Bathurst -
Sunday, September 22, 12:30 PM
What is the purpose of worship?
Stephen MacDonald
Sanctuary, CSUC, College & Bathurst - Sunday, September 15, 10:30 AM
Christine Smaller
Sanctuary, CSUC, College & Bathurst
Sunday, November 25
On the Ground in Palestine
Judi McCallum -
Sunday, November 17
What Faith Means to Me
Sharon Goodier -
Sunday, November 11
Remembrance Day: War and Peace
Reg McQuaid offers a reflection titled “The Red Poppy and the White Poppy” -
Sunday, November 4
“Being a Community of Faith”
A Reflection by our Volunteer Pastoral Associate, Frances Combs -
Sunday, October 14
What Faith Means to Me
Members of the Bathurst community -
Sunday, October 21
Faith in the life of the Pontes de Graça Community
Ricardo Silva
Sunday, November 19
Exodus 16: 2-15
Marie Simon -
Sunday, November 12
You shall see the the glory of the Lord
Caro Ibrahim -
Sunday, November 5
Exodus 32: 1-14 -
Sunday, October 29
Exodus 17: 1-7
Rosalinda Paredes -
Sunday, October 22
Exodus 20: 1-20
Ralph Carl Wushke -
Sunday, October 15
Lindsay Tyler
November 22
What’s Happening in the Middle East?
Remmelt Hummelen
Mark 13: 1 – 8 -
November 15
Mouldy Bread
Joshua 9
Cam Watts -
November 8
Crime and Punishment, What’s Wrong with Prisons
Cathleen Fillmore -
November 1
Matthew 9.14-38
Cam Watts -
October 25
Buildings and Mountains (Why We Are Peacemakers)
Cameron Watts
Mark 13: 1 – 8 -
October 18
Compassion, and the question of Poverty
Jane, Judi, Ken, Reg and Sharon -
October 11
Thanksgiving: Undisclosed Recipients
Joel 2:21-27
Cam Watts
Summer Series
Wednesday, August 28
Meister Eckhart
Ken McEvoy -
Wednesday, August 21
Barbara Kingsolver’s Unsheltered
Ulla Weimann and Frances Combs - Wednesday, August 14
Poetry of Resistance: readings from various poets, Canadian and American
Sharon Goodier -
Wednesday, August 7
Rudolf Steiner, Anthroposophy, and Waldorf Education.
Kathryn Humphrey -
Wednesday, July 31
Mahatma Gandhi
Reg McQuaid -
Wednesday, July 24
Conflict Resolution
Guest Speaker: Cathy Stewart, of Credence & Co. - Wednesday, July 24
Conflict Resolution
Guest Speaker: Cathy Stewart, of Credence & Co. - Wednesday, July 17
Jean Vanier: Canada’s Humble Philospher
Judi McCallum - Wednesday, July 10
Robin Wall Kimmerer and Gayla Trail
Lindsay Tyler
Sunday, October 7
Thanksgiving, Sabbath and Gratitude -
Sunday, September 30
Christian mystics and the sanctity of being birthed
Diane Meredith and Lindsay Tyler -
Sunday, September 23
Modern Physics and Creation; Who is Pulling the Strings?
(What creation story most closely resembles what science teaches? Hint: It’s neither of the two in Genesis)
Ken McEvoy -
Sunday, September 16
Shamanic perspectives on creation
Jasper Miller -
Sunday, September 9
Two stories of Creation in Genesis
Frances Combs -
Wednesday, August 29
Lindsay Tyler -
Wednesday, August 22
Conversation around transition
Pastoral Care Committee -
Wednesday, August 15
Judi McCallum -
Wednesday, August 8
Ralph Carl Wushke -
Wednesday, August 1
Bathurst 2020: Making the vision a reality
Jasper Miller, Ronald Macfarlane -
Wednesday, July 25
Reg McQuaid -
Wednesday, July 18
Marie Simon -
Wednesday, July 11
Ken McEvoy -
Wednesday, July 4
Ralph Carl Wushke
Sunday, October 8
“Messy Church”: Church for children, large and small -
Sunday, October 1
“Who is My Neighbour?” What do the Environics data tell us about our neighbourhood? Who lives here and what do they care about?
Guest presenter: Anne Shirley Sutherland -
Sunday, September 24
“Render to God the things that are Gods” How do post-colonial theory and de-colonization inform our current transformation?
Reflection: Ralph Carl Wushke -
Sunday, September 17
“What Language Shall I Borrow?” Second, what is the current context and new discourse? A panel of voices including Howard Williams, Jeremy Malcolm and Joel Burkholder will interpret the signs of the times and the longing for meaningful faith. -
Sunday, September 10
What was Bathurst’s most recent great upheaval and major transformation (1980-1995) responding to? What was wonderful about that? What were the compelling questions of society and theology, and themes the congregation was wrestling with? How were those questions answered? What was the discourse? What language was being spoken? What can we learn from that experience? How have we become small “c” conservative? That upheaval was thrust upon us by a crisis. Are we able to see the crisis of demographics that is moving us to the next upheaval?
Reflection: Frances Combs -
Wednesday, August 30
Topic: Generous Spaces ministry -
Wednesday, August 23
Topic: Bathurst 2017 Pride Service Reflection -
Wednesday, August 16
Topic: Update on the Westbank development (Bloor & Bathurst) -
Wednesday, August 9
Topic: Colombian Methodist partner Paola Marquez -
Wednesday, August 2
Topic: Revisiting the Crieff Hills Bathurst 2020 Conversation -
Wednesday, July 26
Topic: Pre-wedding celebration for Caro and Audrey -
Wednesday, July 19
Reflecting on the visit to A Different Booklist -
Wednesday, July 12
Visiting A Different Booklist -
Wednesday, July 5
Home – Howard Williams
October 4
Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada
Diane Meredith -
September 27
Subscribing to a Faith
Ephesians 3.14-4.7
Cam Watts -
September 20
The Theology of Bathurst United
Frances Combs -
September 13
Who Do People Say That You Are?
Mark 8.22-32
Cam Watts - Wedesday, August 26
Topic: Tongue Tried: Freedom of Speech
Sharon Goodier - August 19
Topic: Islam (El Tawhid Unity Mosque)
Ken McEvoy -
August 12
Topic: SCM Faith House Reflections
Sarah Mikhaiel -
August 5
Topic: Jesus is Lord Filipino Pentecostal Church
Reg McQuaid -
July 29
Reflections on Ecumenical Accompaniment in Palestine
Karen Rodman -
July 22
Topic: The Unitarian Church
Ronny Yaron -
July 15
Topic: The Mennonite Church
Lindsay Tyler -
July 8
Topic: Metropolitan Community Church
Ralph Carl Wushke

In September, we welcomed the return of members after the summer break. We welcomed all those who are interested in what it means to be a progressive Christian at this time and in this community.