Exploring Spirituality
Spirituality Group
The Spirituality Group has been running since December of 2019 and has an average of 12 participants. Our intent is to be a place of peace, comfort, and connection and to have a forum where people can bring in their ideas and explore a range of spiritual practices.
We usually start with short round of expressing ourselves to bring us into the present moment. There might be a grounding exercise, or a guided meditation or a moving meditation.
We have shared poetry, immersed ourselves in texts, celebrated the sacred elements of life: air water earth and fire. We explored the spiritual aspects of our senses, especially around food, we explored our connection with the natural world.
Other elements that nourish the spirit are short familiar chants and blessings, sharing experiences and storytelling. And we invite and welcome participation and appreciate input and leadership from everybody in the congregation.
Bathurst United has a long tradition of going away for a retreat in the spring and fall.
Bathurst United has a long tradition of going away for a retreat in the spring and fall. In recent years the spring retreat has been held at Crief Hills during the second weekend in May. Retreat themes have included the Enneagram, “On the Boundary”, and “Islam.”
A one-day fall retreat is usually held in November at Friends House in Toronto, where we look at ways of renewing our congregational life.